Today is my husbands and my 28th wedding anniversary.
Here we are on our wedding day in Hawaii.
That’s my sister Melinda on the left, then me, my husband John and our friend David Lee. It was a very small wedding but beautiful. It was raining that day but we were assured that that was very lucky. I think they were right.
So over the years, like many of you I have had many crafty hobbies. For a while I crocheted and one year, a long, long time ago, for our anniversary or John’s birthday (for the life of me I don’t remember which) I made John an Afghan. To this day it lays folded at the foot of our bed and he still occasionally uses it when he takes a nap. After taking this picture I also realize the cats love it (it’s covered with cat hair, yuk), I guess I better wash it before I put it back.
Next I made him a quilt.
If you’ve seen me lecture you’ve heard this story but bear with me for just a minute. First I must tell you I love this quilt. I honestly think it’s one of the prettiest quilts I’ve made. It is called Sunshine and Shadows and it was made as a result of a pattern shared on a yahoogroup, Quiltingsisters. I pieced it and then sent it to Ohio (I think Ohio) to be quilted. She did a lovely job by quilting feathers in the black. BTW, that’s Pepper the Cat in the corner of the picture.
Well, I gave it to John and he said he liked it but I noticed he never used it. Finally one day he told me it was a “hard” quilt. It took me a long time to figure out what in the world he as talking about. It certainly wasn’t hard, in fact it is very soft with a very nice hand to it.
Much later it finally dawned on me. Several years ago we were all making rag quilts. I made rag quilts for everyone. All the grandkids, my daughter, my step-daughter, my son-in-law, you name them I made them a rag quilt. A light bulb finally came on and bingo I figured out what he was talking about. He wanted a RAG QUILT. So I made him one of the ugliest rag quilts. Have you figured it out? He loves it. Here it is, in all it’s glory.
Yup, that’s were it lives. Right on the back of his very worn and well used Lazy Boy. Now when he’s cold and wants to get warm and comfy he pull his “ugly, soft” quilt off the back of his chair and snuggles.
The Sunshine and Shadows quilt? Its folded up on a shelf so that I can pull it out every once and a while to admire.
Oh well 28 years later, we’re still going strong.
Happy Anniversary Hon!