On Monday my BFF, Marilyn, was having some work done on her car so we decided to kill a little time. First we, of course, had breakfast and then headed back to my house. After goofing off there for a while we decided we should go to JoAnn’s and use our 60% coupons. After checking with the auto repair shop we still had time to kill so we headed to Goodwill to see what kind of treasures we could find.
Now keep in mind, I didn’t need a chair but this one was just sitting there all by itself begging me to take it home.

It’s solid oak, very sturdy, plus I just like it……….and the price……………….

That’s $4.99 folks, how could I not? So of course I bought it and put it in the back of the car afraid of what my husband would say. Since he was home all day yesterday I decided to just not mention it and leave it in my car. While out and about yesterday I stopped at the home improvement store and bought some sand paper, spray paint, and of course gloves so I wouldn’t damage my manicure.
Today John is playing golf, so first thing this morning I got the chair out of my car and set it up in the garage and started to work on it. I decided it’s going in my guest room which has pale yellow walls and is accented with black and yellow. I had some extra fabric from when I made a bed pillow for the room so I decided to paint the chair black and recover the seat in the left over fabric from the decorative pillow.

Here’s picture of the seat before, after removing the worn fabric and with the new fabric.

Quite a difference I’d say and I love it. My granddaughter Emily is here today (she thinks the guest room is her room) and she really likes it too.
Total cost? Under $15.00. I may have to make stopping at the Goodwill store part of my regular routine. 