My design wall is actually packed and in the back of my car this morning. But this is what I hope it will look like in a few days.

This is just the EQ7 version but I already have several blocks made and the remainder of the strips cut and ready to sew.

These are just a few of the blocks I already have but hopefully I’ll have a whole lot more within the next several days.
I’m headed to a Wacko Retreat in Temecula, CA. What is a Wacko Retreat you ask? I’ve been in the same friendship group for many, many years. We used to meet every single Wednesday and we became known as the Wednesday Wacko’s. Most of the group that started together are still together and we’ve been fortunate to add a few additional members over the years. A few years ago we started having our own retreat, just the 12 of us. Unfortunately this year there will only be 9. We will miss the 3 that have other commitments but hopefully they’ll be able to join us again next year.
Here is the back of my car, all packed and ready to head out.

That white bag on the left……………….that’s my Wacko Christmas gifts. You read correctly, in typical Wacko fashion we are having our Christmas in April celebration. We weren’t able to get everyone together in December for our annual Christmas party so here we are in April ready to say “Merry Christmas”. I told you we are Wacko.
To see what others are working on, check out Judy’s Patchwork Times Blog.
I’ll be posting my progress while at the retreat. Wish me luck.
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