Thursday, October 18, 2018

Retreat Quilt

I just got home from another wonderful retreat at Vina de Lestonnac, a retreat center in Temecula, CA.  I have been fortunate to stay two times in the same sleeping room and it is one of rooms that has quilts on the beds.  I fell in love with this quilt the last time I stayed in the room and again this time. 

Quilt-p1It is twin size and has very thin batting in it.  It is quilted with an all over meander that is fairly small.  I’m sure it’s been washed many, many time and it is extremely soft and comfy.  I have no idea who made it and if it’s an actual pattern but it’s easy enough to duplicate.  I checked for a label but unfortunately I didn’t see any indication of who made it. 

I’m pretty sure I see this one in my future, I just love it.  I may change up a few of the blocks but I love that they are set on point and how the border sets it off. 



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