This year my sewing room is going to be shown as part of the Orange Grove Quilter’s Guild quilt room tour and luncheon I am looking forward to a fantastic year of being creative but because I’m just a little (or a lot messy), I have my work cut out for me. Hopefully, everyday I can make a small dent in getting it presentable.
Of course while this happens, several things are on my list that I really need to get accomplished. First things first. My step daughter recently got married. Although they have been together for 11 years they surprised us with getting married suddenly a few weeks ago. So of course I need to make them a wedding quilt. I’ve started it but it will take me a while. The plan is a double wedding ring (sort of) using the Metro Ring pattern along with their curved ruler.
But, isn’t there always a but? In the mean time I they want an old fashioned flannel rag quilt with Day of the Dead fabric. Sounds simple enough except for the life of me I can not find flannel Day of the Dead fabric. So my backup plan is to use regular cotton Day of the Dead fabric along with a bright colored flannel in the center and black on the back. Thank goodness my entire family will help with the clipping but in the mean time I am sewing away.

Have a great year and stay with me for the journey of cleaning my messy sewing room.

P.S. I have until June 22 to get ready for the tour. Wish me luck and send prayers and empty boxes!