Monday, November 11, 2019
Pretty in Pink
I finished it while at a retreat in Temecula (maybe that makes it All Roads Lead to Temecula?). Vivs at Bears quilt shop added the quilting for me and this week I completed the quilt by adding the binding.
Here’s is my original sample, a giant floor pillow.
I love them both. I just may need to make another one. Maybe queen size next time.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Christmas Placemats
I decided to make 4 of them and here they are.
I used a simple stitch and flip method so I didn't have to add any additional quilting. I also used my faux piping binding to finish them. I think they came our really cute and hope they bring a smile to others.

Thursday, February 21, 2019
Fabric Bouquet - Block 8 - Pat Sloan
I like this one even though it's a whole bunch of half square triangles.
Now it's time to get back to cleaning my sewing room.
Saturday, February 16, 2019
Catching up - Pat Sloan Fabric Bouquet
Pat recently released 2 different layouts for her block of the week “Flower Bouquet”. Since she shared how to sew the 1st 5 weeks together (1/4th of the quilt), I decided to do just that. Here it is.
I have so much fun working on this every week. Thank you Pat Sloan for all you share with us.
2/16/18–Test Blog Post
I’m having a problem posting my current blog post. Sorry for the test blog.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Design Wall Monday–January 14, 2019
As I’ve mentioned before, I am participating in Pat Sloan’s block of the week which comes out every Wednesday. While poking around her website I spent some time looking at her block of the month “Out of this World”, It just started the beginning of January and looks like a lot of fun. I’m not 100% sure I will do the entire BOM but I decided to make the first block.It’s a nice big 16” block. I’m thinking I will try to use the bright floral throughout the year in each block, but we will see.
Have a great week. It’s raining here and is suppose to continue off and on all week. For those of us in Southern California this is very unusual. We need the rain but we are terrible drivers in it.
Stay safe.
Sunday, January 6, 2019
And Now For The Hard Part
I mentioned the other day that a request (one that I couldn’t say no to) was made of me to make a flannel rag quilt using Day of the Dead fabric. After searching the internet and my local fabric store (M & L), I realized if Day of the Dead flannel exists it’s doing a very good job of hiding. So it was time to go to plan “B” (remember this is one I can’t say no to).
What is plan “B” you ask? I have lots of Day of the Dead regular cotton fabric so I decided to put it on one side. The back of it is black flannel and then each square has a colored piece of flannel as the middle layer that will hopefully show better once it’s clipped, washed and dried. The blocks are cut at 10” but using 1/2” seams they should measure 9” before it is washed and dried. Who knows how much it will shrink up but it’s starting out 72” x 90”. Nice and big to nap on the couch with while snuggling with the doggies.
Tonight is family dinner night, guess what we’re doing after we eat…………..clip, clip, clip, the hard part.
Saturday, January 5, 2019
Block 1–Pat Sloan’s Block of the Week–Flower Bouquet
If you’re a fan of Pat Sloan you probably already know about her new block of the week that just started this last Wednesday.
I’m not sure I love my fabric but I made my first block anyway.
You can check out Pat’s instructions here.
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
Welcome–2019–I’m looking forward to fun and hard work!
This year my sewing room is going to be shown as part of the Orange Grove Quilter’s Guild quilt room tour and luncheon I am looking forward to a fantastic year of being creative but because I’m just a little (or a lot messy), I have my work cut out for me. Hopefully, everyday I can make a small dent in getting it presentable.
Of course while this happens, several things are on my list that I really need to get accomplished. First things first. My step daughter recently got married. Although they have been together for 11 years they surprised us with getting married suddenly a few weeks ago. So of course I need to make them a wedding quilt. I’ve started it but it will take me a while. The plan is a double wedding ring (sort of) using the Metro Ring pattern along with their curved ruler.
But, isn’t there always a but? In the mean time I they want an old fashioned flannel rag quilt with Day of the Dead fabric. Sounds simple enough except for the life of me I can not find flannel Day of the Dead fabric. So my backup plan is to use regular cotton Day of the Dead fabric along with a bright colored flannel in the center and black on the back. Thank goodness my entire family will help with the clipping but in the mean time I am sewing away.
Have a great year and stay with me for the journey of cleaning my messy sewing room.
P.S. I have until June 22 to get ready for the tour. Wish me luck and send prayers and empty boxes!