So as I sit here this morning perusing a bunch of Blogs that I follow, I came across Patchwork Times by Judy Laquidara. Judy asked for fellow Bloggers to post a picture of socks they have made or are currently knitting. Since I still haven’t managed to get into my sewing room and start the tote bag I need to make I decided I’d share my sock knitting with you.
So here it goes. Here’s the first pair I knitted.
These were made while taking a class to learn how to knit both socks at one time on one circular needle. My friends know that I am knitting challenged. I can knit but that’s about it, if I make a mistake I’m sunk and have to wait for one of my knitting friends to fix it for me. Since I make a fair amount of mistakes you can see how this makes knitting a very slow process.
The best part of knitting small projects is that I get to use this great basket.
I found it at the Orange County Market Place (the swap meet in Costa Mesa, CA). I love this basket, I’ve tried to find another one but unfortunately, no luck.
After I finally concurred my first pair of socks. It was time to attempt a second pair. So here they are still on the needles waiting to be finished. (I refuse to admit how long they’ve been this way
These are ankle socks that are suppose to be for my granddaughter Natalia.
Maybe it’s time to go back and take another lesson so I can finish this pair and start another, LOL.