Yesterday’s post I showed you a picture of the Texas Braid that I am working on. Today I thought I’d share pictures of Bonnie Hunter’s quilt and some of the braids that other people in the class were working on.

This is Bonnie’s quilt. It’s huge. It fits her king size bed and in fact she took it off her bed to bring it with her for the class. Apparently her husband was at home and was really missing it. She never said but I hope she but another quilt on the bed since they live in No. Carolina and it’s “cold” there.

Here’s a close –up of her Texas Braid. She used a huge amount of scraps to make it. She emphasized the fact that she chose a solid red (instead of a print) for the cornerstone. She didn’t use any reds in the braid but did use some burgundy and of course every other color under the sun. It’s just lovely!

This is my friend Terri’s on the left, Marilyn’s in the middle and Pat’s on the right.
Bless her heart Terri really did a great job of going into her stash to make her braid.
Marilyn cheated (like me) and used a fat quarter tower for her dark side (but it’s going to be gorgeous).
Pat did a great job of pulling from her stash, using blacks with white and whites with black, and a variety of brights for the cornerstones.
Here’s Pam’s, entirely made from polka-dots.

Bonnie is one of the nicest people you’d ever want to take a class from. She was a real delight.

All I can say is, Bonnie must be really, really tall because surely I can’t be that short.