What can I say, I have a serious illness and it’s called making Letty’s Bags and sharing bags made by others with all of you.
First up. . . . . I couldn’t stand it and I made another Letty’s Bag to showcase some fabric.
It was just speaking to me “make another bag” it was saying. So what was a girl to do, I made another one.
For some reason it’s not as bright and vibrant in the pictures as it is in person. It’s a happy bag!
This last week while at my granddaughter Emily’s H.S. soccer game, I ran in to one of my customers, Kris. Kris is the owner of Cozy Cottage in Brea, California. I was so excited to hear that the “Letty’s Bag” pattern is one of their top sellers. Then she opened up the back of her car to show me this.
Several of her friends got together and made Letty’s Bags. This one is hers. Isn’t it wonderful. If you’re in the area, stop by and say hello or visit her website. Thank you Kris for being a great supporter. BTW, Kris’s daughters team (Esperanza High School JV) beat us, darn it! Oh well we have another game against them in a few weeks, maybe we can get even.
And then, I received an email from Arlene Millett (no blog) and she shared this with me.
Hi Robin,
Here is a picture of a "Letty's Bag" that I just made for our soon-to-be daughter-in-law.
I used leftover fabrics from a table runner that I had previously made for her.
It's about 15 high x 16 wide x 4 thick with 1 inch ID grommets.
I REALLY enjoyed the retreat and Billie Lauder.
Thanks again for a great time!
Arlene Millett
Great job Arlene, thank you for sharing.
And last but not least, Kathy Cina is at it again. Here is her latest creation. She’s almost as bad as me. You can visit Kathy’s Blog and see pictures of her Letty’s Bags and her darling daughter Charlie.