Look what the mail carrier delivered yesterday. My sister, Melinda, mailed this to me a while back but encountered some difficulty. Read all about it here.

I was really excited to open it. Here's what was inside.

What you have to know is that my daughter, Shelli, is a huge Lucy fan. To this day I can still hear "I Love Lucy" playing on the TV in the background when I call her at home. I have no idea how many times she's seen each show but she knows them by heart. She is able to tell if they even cut out one minute out of an episode. Obviously my whole family knows, so it's no surprise that her Aunt Melinda would make this for her. She hasn't seen it yet but I know she will love it.
The other treasure in the envelope was an ORT jar. For the life of me I can't remember what ORT stands for but it is sure cute. If you'd like to read about it or get the tutorial on how to make one visit my sister blog or directly to the tutorial.
Thank you Melinda. I love everything and especially you.

is that an apron? You don't say what it is and it sorta looks like one. Also what is the signifigance of the jar? is is breakable? and why did she send it? just curious
I love you too - ORT=odd remaining threads or as I saw somewhere else, old raggedy threads. I hope Shelli enjoys the pillowcase.