Thursday, December 27, 2007
Christmas Gift For My Niece

Monday, December 24, 2007
Mexican Wedding Cakes
Merry Christmas Eve.......
This morning while sitting, reading the paper and drinking a cup of coffee I was watching Regis and Kelly. Each year Kelly has her kids on the show and they make something. This year they made Mexican Wedding Cakes. They looked simple and cute and so I thought to myself, I'm Mexican and I've never made Mexican Wedding Cakes and why not? So off to the kitchen I went to see if I had all the ingredients. At first I couldn't find pecans, so I almost made them with almonds (I was not about to go the grocery store). But sure enough in the freezer was a bag of pecans. These were so easy to make it's amazing. They are really light and not too sweet. The only problem is you made a mess when you eat one because the powered sugar goes everywhere. I think I've found a new cookie to make for the holidays. I hope you try them. Here is the link to the recipe. Enjoy!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Totes and Notepads? Oh My!

Friday, December 21, 2007
Tamale/Christmas Party
Wednesday night my friendship group "The Wednesday Wacko's" met at my house for our annual Tamale/Christmas Party. This picture was taken at the beginning of the tamale making extravaganza, notice there is very little mess at this point but we've already poured the wine. There are a total of 11 in our friendship group but unfortunately 2 were unable to make it that night. Terri (the one closest and with her back to the camera) is the tamale ring leader and it is her job to try to keep us on track.
After sampling the fruits of our labor it was on to our gift exchanges. It is so much fun to see what everyone comes up with, some are home made and some purchased but always they are very special. This year it looks like we have two challenges ahead of us. One is to border and frame the embroidered saying "Kwitchyerbellyakin" and the second it to make something from the really cute "Diva" fabric. Our motto is:
Wacko's Rule!
Oh Wait....we have no rules
Don't you just love our motto? I do and I love my Wacko friends.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
With Love Tote Bag with longer straps

With Love Tote Bag
Yesterday someone on one of my Yahoogroups shared the link to a very simple tote bag. Well, I design patterns including tote bags but I have never seen one made as clever and easy as this. So this morning I made one that I will use as a gift bag for a quilt for my niece. From start to finish it probably took me 1/2 hour, not bad I'd say. Now, I can never leave well enough alone so I plan to make another one with just a few minor changes. The bag shown is quite large 16" deep x 19" wide and I think it would work well just slightly narrower. I'll give it a try and if it works out I'll post the minor changes I make. Here's the link for the pattern
Thank you Joan Hawley, Lazy Girl Designs!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Sewing Notions Bag

Tonight is my friendship groups tamale making/Christmas party. I made these cute sewing notions bags for everyone. Although I used the same fabric on some of them, I made them each slightly different by adding different binding. On the inside of the flap is a piece of wool felt to hold pins and needles. I used a snap instead of Velcroto avoid having all the threads getting caught. What started out as a simple project turned out to be a little more involved than I thought but they are finally done and wrapped up for tonight.
We were suppose to get-to-gather at someone else's house but at the last minute she became ill so my house is the backup. We have made tamales for the last few years and it is just so much fun, I can't begin to tell you. We drink a little wine, eat a few snacks, assemble tamales, and enjoy each others company. I can hardly wait. I'll post pictures tomorrow of the tamales.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Let There Be Lights

It's time for Christmas lights at the Gallagher house. We love to decorate for the holidays and John has a great time decorating outside. Here is a before and after picture of the outside of our home. He's still not happy with the Christmas tree, he's been looking all over for the perfect Angel for the top, but at this rate I doubt that he's going to find exactly what he wants this year. This weekend I will be decorating the inside of the house but I don't think I have nearly as much fun as he does.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
The Dress from Enchanted
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Back to Sewing

Today was a great day. After doing some laundry and getting some grocery shopping done, I finally had time to sit down and sew.
This is a quilt top I started a long time ago. In fact I really don't remember what I intended to do with the blocks originally but a while back Marilyn showed me a picture of a quilt she wanted me to design and write a pattern for. It turned out to not be exactly what she showed me but something similar with the same feel. I went home that night and found the blocks. I have a unique way of assembling them so that they end up on point. I had the center completed a few months ago but I finally added the 4 borders today and here are the results.
This is a quilt I intend to pattern and may in fact be the first quilt for a book Marilyn and I have talked about. So for now I won't publish a pattern but will write the instruction and hold on to it.
My sister Melinda Fulkerson (melinful@comcast.net) is a wonderful long arm quilter so I've asked her to quilt this one for me. I usually just use my really old handiquilter and do some loopty loops or overall meander but I think this one needs some special attention. I'll post another picture of the quilt once it's quilted and I get it back.
I now have to work on getting borders on a Magical Slice and Dice quilt so that it can be quilted and ready to be shown in January. Once it's done, I'll give you a sneak peek.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Totes, Totes, Totes

Thursday, November 29, 2007
Day Three - Finished at last
Now it's time to get to work and finish some of those UFO's and start some new projects, hopefully I can keep from buying more fabric for a little while. Wish me luck.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Day Two - Slow but Sure
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
I have a Floor
Confessions of a Quilt Studio Slob
Sunday, November 25, 2007
My Life
I have been married to my husband, John, for 26 years. Between us we have 4 grown children and 4 grandchildren. He loves to play golf and poker while I'm busy with all of my activities. We are both retired from the real world (IBM and Johnson and Johnson) but find ourselves very busy working on my quilting passion. John is the Two Wacky Women accountant/bookeeper and webmaster. He loves to complain but I know he loves doing both.