Monday, June 13, 2016

Design Wall Monday–6/13/16

I recently finished a quilt top that I started in a Bonnie Hunter class several years ago at Road to California.  Bonnie called it Texas Braid.  It’s now at the long arm quilter waiting to be quilted.


See all those logs?  Well, I had precut them way back then, and I now have a gazillion of them left over.  What on earth do I do with them?


I started sewing them together into rail fences and then 4 patches.


I’ve now surrounded the 4 patches to make them wonky, angled rail fence, four patches.  (Say that a few times fast.  Smile)


I’m really starting to like it.  Now I’m thinking it needs a little black and white, so I auditioned some sashing. 

IMG_2163 (Edited) This one may be a little too busy but I like the idea.  Maybe a black and white polka dot.  In the mean time I’m having fun playing.

To see what others have on their design walls, check out Judy’s blog.




  1. I loved that line by Kate Spain! Someday I may make a braid quilt but more likely dancing wonky squares like yours!

  2. Can't wait to see it finished.....I love the braid but when you called it the Texas braid, my eyes perked up...


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