My friend Pam has made several of my patterns. Last week I had a chance to see them right after another friend of ours, Terri, quilted them. I think you'll like all of them.

The first quilt is a Magical Slice and Dice using Kaufman's Feeling Groovy fabric. I just love this fabric. I think I still have some and just might have to make one for myself.

This is a pattern call East Meets West. Once again her choice of fabric is really nice.

This is a quilt kit that Two Wacky Women used to sell. It's made from all batiks and is called Wacky Nine Patch. It's made using a stack and slash method.

Last but not least is Magical Pinwheels. Pam was kind enough to be a tester for me shortly after I wrote this pattern. This quilt is completely assembled as a straight set and then magically turned on point. In fact you never make a pinwheel block, the pinwheels are formed when you sew the individual blocks together.
All of these patterns are available at the
Two Wacky Women website.